Calle Abat Sola 12, Gandia, Valencia, Spain.
My property listing number is M120874.
This is a 106m2 apartment for sale located in Calle Abat Sola 12, Gandia, Valencia, Spain. 3rd floor with no lift.
The price advertised is the net price, you will also have to pay Notary and Land Registry fees and taxes.
The taxes on this apartment should be 10%, but if the tax office value is higher than the price that you are buying for, then the taxes will be higher, as they will tax you on 10% of the higher value.
This particular apartment has the following.
Bedrooms: 1.
Bathrooms: 1.
Parking if applicable:
Energy Rating: X. If X, then it was not possible to enter the property or the property is exempt.
Catastral reference for taxes: 3870302YJ4137S0008TO.
This property is for investor clients, due to the following:
The property has been rented as social housing to people who are in situations of vulnerability, social emergency, or to people who need and can only pay an affordable rent, of no more than 30% of their salary. The owner is selling this property with people inside, you will have to buy the property unseen, and agree to accept the current rent, until the existing contract is finished.
The Property will be transferred:
(i) As a certain body and for a flat rate.
(ii) As a whole, inseparable.
(iii) In the registry and cadastral state in which it is found.
(iv) In the physical state, qualities, legal, urban, administrative, licensing, protection, conservation and cleaning in which it is found.
(v) Up to date with expenses and taxes that by law correspond to the seller.
(vi) Without provision of services and supplies.
The purchaser will assume:
(i) The physical situation and state of conservation.
(ii) The urban situation.
(iii) The discrepancies between the physical reality and the registry and cadastral reality or in the capacity of the Property.
(iv) The registry and cadastral adequacy of the property.
(v) The procedures that entail obtaining Judicial Possession of the property.
The owner shall not be liable for:
(i) The state of repair.
(ii) Any visible or apparent defects.
(iii) The regularisation of the land registry or cadastre.
(iv) Any discrepancies in capacity that may exist.
(v) The responsibility for obtaining the certificate of habitability of the property, unless in the Autonomous Community where the property is located its delivery is mandatory.
(vi) Any costs, expenses, fees, tariffs or taxes that may arise from the above. If on the date of sale, the owner has filed a legal claim for occupation, the purchaser may be subrogated in said claim, and may not claim any amount from the owner as a result thereof, except for the fees of lawyers and solicitors that have accrued up to the date of transfer, which, in any case, shall be the responsibility of the purchaser. If on the date of sale, the owner has filed a criminal complaint, which is in progress, the Court will be notified of the sale, and the owner will be removed from the procedure as a private prosecution.
The state of occupation and/or the impediments to the property being freely visited by technicians would prevent:
(i) Its official appraisal as required by Order ECO/805/2003, of March 27, so that the property, as long as the occupation situation persists, could not be mortgaged, consequently, mortgage financing could not be established on this type of property, the acquisition of which will require the granting of another type of guarantees in the event of requesting financing.
(ii) The obtaining by the owner of the energy efficiency certificate. The sale price of this property has been determined based on the above circumstances, which have resulted in a lower value of the same, and which must be expressly accepted by the purchaser when formalizing the transfer of the property.
It is recommended that the buyer obtain professional and legal advice before making the purchase decision.
If you would like more information regarding this apartment, please contact me by using the contact form, by Whatsapp, or telephone. My number is +34674890837, and I am contactable Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 6.00pm.
Please state the following in order for me to locate the property quicker in the sellers database, M120874 CG-95764-0001 .
I look forward to hearing from you, you can contact me in English or Spanish.
María Jesús Albuixech Escolano.
API Registered Number RAICV 2363.
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María Jesús Albuixech