Carretera de Dénia 81, Oliva, Valencia, Spain.
My property listing number is M174596.
This is a 197m2 townhouse for total reform for sale located in Carretera de Dénia 81, Oliva, Valencia, Spain.
The price advertised is the net price, you will also have to pay Notary and Land Registry fees and taxes.
The taxes on this townhouse for total reform should be 10%, but if the tax office value is higher than the price that you are buying for, then the taxes will be higher, as they will tax you on 10% of the higher value.
This particular townhouse for total reform has the following.
Bedrooms: 4.
Bathrooms: 1.
Parking if applicable:
Energy Rating: D. If X, then it was not possible to enter the property or the property is exempt.
Catastral reference for taxes: 0513707YJ5101S0001PG.
VPO: = No.
If you would like more information regarding this townhouse for total reform, please contact me by using the contact form, by Whatsapp, or telephone. My number is +34674890837, and I am contactable Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 6.00pm.
Please state the following in order for me to locate the property quicker in the sellers database, M174596 CG-78249-0002 .
I look forward to hearing from you, you can contact me in English or Spanish.
María Jesús Albuixech Escolano.
API Registered Number RAICV 2363.
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María Jesús Albuixech