Search by area

Search by the area you are looking to purchase your future Spanish property.

Simply click one of the maps below to show all properties we have for sale in the selected towns of that area, or for a more refined search, click the advanced search button from the search bar above, select your required criteria, and click the submit button.

Ribera Baixa, Valencia, Spain.
Currently we have 108 properties & land for sale
with prices starting from just €9.000.
La Safor, Valencia, Spain.
Currently we have 215 properties & land for sale
with prices starting from just €10.400.
Marina Alta, Alicante, Spain.
Currently we have 103 properties & land for sale
with prices starting from just €15.000.
Marina Baja, Alicante, Spain.
Currently we have 44 properties & land for sale
with prices starting from just €12,900.

Currently we are advertising for sale, 548 Spanish properties & land for sale, including apartments, business premises, duplex apartments, townhouses, villas, business premises, warehouses, and building plots, located in the Costa Blanca north & south, as well as the area known as the Costa Azahar.

We do have access to more properties, that are not published in our website, if you are looking for a Spanish property and the town is not listed, please call us on +34 674890837.